Say No To Estimates: Precise Energy Monitoring with Internet of Things (IoT) 

In today's increasingly energy-conscious world, finding effective ways to effectively track and optimise energy consumption is a top priority for both small and large consumers of energy. Manufacturing is one sector that is a key consumer of these sources; electricity, water and gas.  

Large business structures including multiple sites and branches, methods of production, and sub-sectors of the manufacturing process can consequently make tracking their energy consumption difficult, with the potential for inaccuracies. As a result, traditional methods of monitoring their utilities can easily become a tricky, unreliable and time-consuming process, which can have huge result on a business's time management, cashflow and profitability.  

energy sensors

Why Manufacturing Needs A Rejuvenated Energy Management Systems 

Many aspects of the manufacturing process have largely remained the same, from equipment, to operational process - there are viable avenues for businesses to take in order to improve the efficiency of their day-to-day operations. The growth of Internet of Things (IoT) technology has largely proved itself as one solution that will effectively revolutionise the process of recording and managing energy consumption of all sizes with its precise, real-time monitoring capabilities.  

By integrating these sensors into many areas of the manufacturing process, energy monitoring can be simplified through a dual process of monitoring the amount of energy used from both meters and equipment alike. This provides management and decision-makers with accurate, time-bound and precise insights into their overall energy usage, enabling them to implement practical long-term strategies that will lead to significant energy savings. 

Imagine a system where you have granular visibility into every aspect of your energy consumption – from air conditioning units, manufacturing machinery and lighting to office spaces and even security equipment. With IoT monitoring, this precise level of detailed information is at the fingertips of manufacturers to present their findings and future plan of action to decision-makers, shareholders and investors. By collecting data from power sources, such as smart meters and mains, IoT monitoring solutions generate instant insights, and allows for comprehensive reports and analysis. 

Through smarter energy consumption monitoring, businesses can make real progress in reducing their carbon footprint, lowering energy costs, and enhancing their sustainability efforts. IoT monitoring empowers those businesses to identify quick-fix energy-saving opportunities, prioritise their time loads and investments, and make decisions that are driven by sure data. By leveraging IoT technology, creating and delivering a strategy of energy efficiency is now an achievable reality. 


The problem with traditional energy monitoring 

Traditional energy monitoring methods have often relied on manual data collection based on periodical meter readings, which limits visibility into energy consumption patterns. This method results in a lack of detailed information, which makes it difficult to identify inefficiencies and uncover opportunities for improvement. Additionally, the delay in data collection and analysis hampers decision-making processes, preventing timely interventions to optimize energy usage. 

There is also a consideration into the human element of manual readings. For various reasons, inaccurate readings can be taken – which can lead to unexpected hikes in energy bills, re-recording readings, and the potential for required maintenance work in equipment to go unregistered.  


What is IoT monitoring? 

IoT monitoring involves the use of interconnected devices, sensors, and systems to gather and analyse data related to a premises’ energy consumption. IoT monitoring devices, often referred to as "smart" monitors, are embedded with sensors that can measure a variety of conditions beyond electricity usage, such as temperature monitors, CO2 monitors, and can even accurately measure occupancy levels. The data collected by those sensors is then transmitted to a central hub, such as a gateway that can transmit the data taken by the senors through cellular transmissions, such as LoRa/LoRaWAN frequencies. This data is then processed into a cloud-based platform for analysis, storage, breakdown and visualisation. 

IoT differs from manual data readings as it ensures that what’s being monitored within a business is done consistently, accurately and allows for historical data comparisons. This means that stored data can be used in comparison to the previous day, week, month or year, enabling simplicity in data comparison that can increase the effectiveness of energy reduction strategies, as well as a simplified energy management. 

Maximise Manufacturing Energy Efficiency

Benefits of IoT monitoring for energy efficiency 

The benefits of IoT monitoring for energy efficiency are numerous. Firstly, it provides real-time visibility into energy consumption patterns, enabling users to identify wasteful practices and take immediate corrective actions. By monitoring energy usage at a granular level, IoT solutions can detect anomalies and alert users to potential issues, such as equipment malfunctions or excessive energy consumption. 

Secondly, IoT monitoring facilitates data-driven decision-making. By collecting and analysing large volumes of energy-related data, IoT solutions can generate comprehensive reports and insights that helps businesses identify pieces of equipment that are using considerably more energy than usual. From here, quick solutions can be made, ensuring effective energy-saving opportunities. These insights can range from minor adjustments, such as adjusting routine practices during non-business hours, to more complex tasks, such as identifying the highest energy-efficient equipment for specific tasks. 

Additionally, IoT monitoring enables predictive maintenance, helping businesses avoid costly equipment failures that can result in extended periods of downtime. By continuously monitoring the performance of energy-consuming devices, IoT solutions can detect early signs of malfunction or inefficiency, allowing for proactive maintenance or replacement. This not only reduces energy waste but also extends the lifespan of equipment, resulting in long-term cost savings. 

Examples of IoT monitoring in action 

IoT monitoring is already being utilised in other industries to improve energy efficiency. In the manufacturing sector, IoT-enabled sensors can monitor equipment operation and energy consumption in real-time, allowing for better control and optimisation of overall energy usage.

Improve Factory Energy Usage

How to implement IoT monitoring for energy efficiency 

Implementing IoT monitoring for energy efficiency requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some key steps to follow: 

1. Identify energy consumption areas:  

Begin by identifying the areas of your operations that consume the most energy. This could include machines, lighting, equipment, or storage areas. Understanding where energy is being used will help prioritise installation strategy. 

2. Choose the right sensors:  

Select sensors that are appropriate for what you want to monitor. For example, if you want to monitor electricity usage, choose smart meters or current sensors. If you want to monitor temperature, occupancy, or lighting levels, select sensors specifically designed for those purposes. 

3. Establish data collection and transmission:  

Determine how the collected data will be transmitted to a central hub or cloud-based platform for analysis. This may involve setting up wireless networks, utilizing cellular connectivity, or leveraging existing infrastructure. 

4. Integrate with existing systems:  

Ensure that the IoT monitoring solution can seamlessly integrate with your existing energy infrastructure and management, such as building management systems or energy management software. This will enable a holistic approach to energy optimisation. 

5. Train personnel:  

Provide training to personnel responsible for managing and analysing the data. This will ensure that they understand the capabilities of the IoT monitoring solution and can effectively utilise the insights generated. 

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Choosing the right IoT monitoring solution 

When selecting an IoT monitoring solution for energy efficiency, there are several factors to consider: 

1. Scalability:  

Ensure that the solution can scale as your energy monitoring needs grow. It should be able to handle increasing data volumes and support a growing number of connected devices. 

2. Compatibility:  

Check if the solution is compatible with your existing equipment and systems. It should seamlessly integrate with your current infrastructure to avoid additional costs and complexity. 

3. Security:  

Data security should be a top priority. Evaluate the security measures implemented by the solution provider to protect your energy-related data from unauthorized access or cyber threats. 

4. Ease of use:  

The solution should have a user-friendly interface and intuitive features that make it easy to navigate and analyse data. It should also provide customisable dashboards and reports to suit your specific requirements. 

5. Support and maintenance:  

Consider the level of support and maintenance provided by the solution provider. This includes technical support, software updates, and ongoing training. 


Challenges and limitations of IoT monitoring 

While IoT monitoring offers significant benefits for energy efficiency, there are some challenges and limitations to be aware of: 

1. Data management:  

Managing and analysing large volumes of data can be complex and resource-intensive. Proper data management practices, including data storage, processing, and analysis, need to be in place to derive meaningful insights. 

2. Data privacy:  

As IoT monitoring involves collecting and analysing sensitive energy-related data, privacy concerns may arise. It is important to implement robust security measures to protect data privacy and comply with relevant regulations. 

3. Initial investment:  

Implementing IoT monitoring solutions may require an initial investment in hardware, software, and infrastructure. However, the long-term energy savings and operational efficiencies often outweigh the upfront costs. 

4. Reliability and connectivity:  

Dependence on connectivity and reliable network infrastructure is a key consideration. In areas with limited connectivity or unreliable networks, IoT monitoring may not be feasible or may require additional measures to ensure data continuity. 

Efficient Methods for Manufacturing

The future of IoT monitoring for energy efficiency 

The future of IoT monitoring for energy efficiency looks promising. As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more sophisticated IoT solutions that offer enhanced capabilities and efficiency. Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms will further optimise energy consumption patterns, enabling automated decision-making and predictive analytics. 

The integration of smart devices and the increasing adoption of IoT technologies will also contribute to the growth of energy monitoring solutions. As more devices become interconnected and communicate with each other, the resulting data will provide a visual understanding of energy consumption, enabling further opportunities for a much more efficient way of operating. 

IoT monitoring holds immense potential for unlocking energy efficiency. By providing precise data and insights into energy consumption patterns, IoT solutions empower individuals and businesses to make informed decisions that lead to significant energy savings. From real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance to data-driven decision-making and sustainability efforts, IoT monitoring is revolutionizing the way we manage and optimize energy consumption. With the right implementation and the choice of a suitable IoT monitoring solution, unlocking energy efficiency becomes an achievable reality for a greener and more sustainable future. 


Reap the Benefits of Remote Monitoring with IoT Technology 


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